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COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens

Houston Health Update, July 25, 2020

I am writing with this week's local health update.

Since my last update, the CDC has updated their guidelines for ending home isolation after being diagnosed with or having symptoms of COVID-19 which differs slightly from what I reported in my last update.

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COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens

Houston Health Update, July 17, 2020

I am writing with this week's local health update.

I wanted to share a new resource that I have come across- a local epidemiologist at the UT School of Public Health has a Facebook page in which she reports and provides a fact-based analysis of local and statewide data.

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COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens

Houston Health Update July 10, 2020

I am writing with this week's local health update.

We are still seeing increasing numbers of patients admitted to the hospital and ICU with COVID-19, but over the last few days the rate of increase is starting to slow. However, my local physician colleagues working in hospitals…

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COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens

Much Ado About Masks

As of June 22, Judge Hidalgo has signed an order mandating a Health and Safety policy be adopted by all businesses providing goods and services to the public.

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COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens

Houston Health Update, June 19, 2020

I am writing with this week's local health update. We have continued to see an increase in percent positivity since last week's update. ICU occupancy and overall hospital bed occupancy rates have continued to increase, and ICU occupancy

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Men's Health Dr. Rebecca Berens Men's Health Dr. Rebecca Berens

Men's Health Week 2020

June is National Men's Health Month and the week leading up to Father's Day is celebrated as Men's Health Week. Men's health is critical to the health of families and communities but often is ignored or postponed as other family or career obligations take priority.

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COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens COVID-19 Dr. Rebecca Berens

Houston Health Update June 12, 2020

I am writing with this week's local health update. We have continued to see an increase in percent positivity since last week's update. ICU occupancy remains near the warning zone but has not yet passed that point.

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