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Affordable Healthcare for Small Businesses in Houston
Providing healthcare benefits to employees is known to improve employee retention and job satisfaction, but as health insurance premiums have soared, small businesses…
How is DPC different than Concierge Medicine?
Many people have heard of "concierge medicine," but the term "direct primary care" is less well known. When I tell people about my direct primary care practice, often the first question I am asked is "so are you a concierge doctor?"
How can I access healthcare without insurance?
Most people believe that having health insurance is necessary to access healthcare. While health insurance is important to limit out of pocket costs in the case of a catastrophic event such as an ICU stay or a cancer diagnosis…
What is a Vida Family Medicine Direct Primary Care Membership?
Vida Family Medicine is a direct primary care practice. Direct primary care is a new concept to most patients (and even doctors!), but the model has been growing over the last several years…
Vida Means Life!
People often ask me how I decided on the name "Vida Family Medicine." The word "vida" means "life" in Spanish. I chose this name for a few reasons.
Family Doctor Accepting New Patients in Houston, Texas
Vida Family Medicine is a unique direct primary care practice located in the Houston Heights.